Thesis Blog: Countdown

Sophomore year of college, my prose professor Dr. Allison assigned us a 1,500-word creative essay that just seemed way too impossible to write. So I sat in a study room with my friends Molly, Haley, and Caitie, and wrote that bastard, 100 words at a time. I even had a countdown going, on a whiteboard, with fifteen 100’s in a line. Every time I wrote 100 words, I got up from my seat, crossed off a 100, celebrated, and sat back down.

I made it to 1,100 words. (And yet, I was OK with this, so I turned it in, and received my B.)

I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to do that again. My thesis is at 4,482 words as I write this post. 3,000 to go.

But I think I’ll be OK settling. I have to be.

Chelle: “Dare to be adequate.”

About Lauren D. Sawyer

I am a Ph.D. student at Drew Theological School studying Christian Social Ethics. Learn more about me at